Legal Notice

…ourselves as responsible in the sense of the german Teledienstgesetzes (TDG) for the contents and offers of this website and assume that all the approved links comply with the applicable…

Wind Properties

Wind Properties Guidelines for estimating wind properties are based on DIN EN 1991-1-4, a standard designed for evaluating wind loads on buildings. Referencing wind zones that are defined nationally and

Triangle of statics

…(or elliptical) cross-section and taking into account tree species-specific material properties, provides an approximate estimate of the load bearing capacity of the stem, in bending ,assuming a solid, defect-free cross-section….

AGM of SAG Baumstatik e.V. 2021
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…  Acceptance of new members: Applications SAG-Summer School Setup and contents (breakout room) Research funding program: topics and research projects suitable for funding (breakout room) SAG standards State of work,…

SAG summer school in Trieste, Italy. July 2022
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From July 17th to 22nd, SAG is holding a workshop on the subject of pulling tests. Experts and users want to gather and expand their experiences in small groups in…

13th SAG Workshop
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…agronomist and arborist, owner of Progetto Verde since 1994, is a consultant in in urban arboriculture, specialized in tree risk and tree stability assessment. He has written numerous articles and

Electrical Resistance Tomography

…through the wood body via the apoplast (cell walls and intercellular space). The electrical resistance is influenced by the wood moisture content and by the ion content (Weihs et al….


…methods are considered to be injury-free. Tomography is used for detailed tree assessment if, after a visual assessment, there is uncertainty about the proportion of load-bearing wood within the stem….

16th SAG Workshop
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16th SAG Workshop on Monday, 3rd and Tuesday, 4th of June 2019 in Gauting Topic: SAG Standards for the Pulling Test Method – developing technical standards for pulling tests and


[mailpoet_page]   Please leave this field empty SAG- Standards If you log in here and enter your name and email address, you can download the “SAG Standards” as a PDF….

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