23rd SAG-Workshop


The 23 rd workshop will take place in Amsterdam on 7th and 8th November!

The workshop is about tree stability, quay wall stability and possible interactions: the case of Ulmus in Amsterdam. The two go back a long way (Unesco world heritage). In recent years trees are assumed to be a possible threat to the old quay wall constructions because quay walls have collapsed in several places. But is this the case? What can we learn from natural tree movements in wind, normal pulling tests and destructive pulling tests of trees along canals? For this workshop we try to combine sensor data on both trees and quay walls. The first day would be an introduction explaining the problem, visit the site and executing destructive pull test of 5 elms, followed by a day of the preliminary results including analyses of ‘natural movements’ of what could be recorded in strong winds in July-October on site, and presentations of related topics.

Final program and registration form will follow in September