The 14th Workshop of SAG Baumstatik has take place on 26th of February 2018. In Gauting, almost 40 participants met from 10 countries, from Canada to Croatia, from Britain to Italy.
The focus was on recent findings from research in tree statics at unviversities. Presentations were held with the follwoing contents:
- Winching tests on Poplar trees on water saturated soils (J. Böttcher)
- Winching tests on the stability of dead Spruce trees (R. Schröder)
- Winching tests on the stability of forest Spruce trees (O. Krišāns, Riga)
- The influence of the geometry on tomography (Prof. S. Rust)
- Using infra-red markers for optical monitoring of pulling tests (K. Wiegmann)
- Spectral and wavelet analysis of tilt measurements in natural winds (L. Hoffmann)
- Correlating pulling tests and tilt measurements in natural winds to calibrate wind load assessments (D. Esche, P. Schuhmacher)
The results will be available in a summarized format shortly on this website. We would like to thank everybody for sharing their results and the fruitful discussions.

Invitation to the annual
General Meeting (GM)
of SAG Baumstatik e.V.
in Ferrara, Italy,10.10.2017
Dear colleagues,
We would like to invite all members to the annual general meeting in 2017.
Venue: Ferrara, Italy (further informations will follow)
The day before the meeting, we will run the 13th SAG workshop at the same venue.
We have provided the following agenda
9:00 am – 10:30 am
1. Organizational issues of the association
1.1 Report of the Board (activities since the last GM)
1.2 Treasurer’s Report
1.3 New workshops planned in 2018 and 2019
1.4 New election of the board
There are in the moment 5 candidates for the four places in the board:
Michael Schlag, Andreas Detter, Klaus Schöpe, Stefania Gasperini, Michiel Mol.
More candidatures are possible.
The votes procedure will be presented on the GM
10:30 am – 11:00 am coffee break
11:00 am – 12:30 am
2. Memberships
2.1 Members and former members
2.2 Applications for membership
3. Reports from work groups
3.1 discussion and voting on potential research projects etc
3.2 Presentation of a directive for safety during pulling tests etc
4. Completion
4.1 Next Meeting
4.2 Other
We hope to see all of you.
With best regards on behalf of the Board
Edewecht/Gauting/Köln, 28.06.2017 Klaus Schöpe